Microsoft Cortana reached iPhone and Android

As announced, Microsoft has his language assistant Cortana now also published in an app version for iOS that provides voice-guided for calendar management, for web information retrieval and to set reminders but for now only in China and in the US.
Overlooking the Microsoft Search BING, which still provides no iOS application in Germany, may well not be counted with a timely launch in this country.

Since March it is clear that Microsoft’s Siri competitor, the pre-installed on current Windows systems, voice-assistant Cortana, should also come to the iPhone.
After there was no news to report on the expected availability in the past eight months, Microsoft launched a beta test in November and called on its own support portal to participate in the test phase.


The Cortana app should be closely linked with Windows 10 and have the same functionality as the Cortana integration on the desktop. iPhone users can as well access Microsoft’s intelligent voice assistant on the go. According to Microsoft, the Cortana App organize appointments, browse BING and manage notes. The hotword “Hey Cortana” remains for the desktop users only.

Siri, Cortana and Google Now compared

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